Mike Joyce


Mike and Dolores became members of ACC in 2000 and immediately began working with our church kids by teaching the cubbies in our AWANA program. They both love working with our children and continue to do so in a variety of ways.

Mike is a retired wildlife biologist and Dolores a retired office administrator. They are from the same small home town in Indiana, went to the same high school, attended the same small church in their little town, and were married there in 1968. They spent the last 27 years of their careers in Anchorage Alaska before building their retirement home in the Applegate Valley. Now they enjoy spending their time serving for their church and growing and processing most of their own food. Mike continues to teach an adult Sunday School class and the Truth and Training boys class for AWANA.

Bill Zimmerman


Bill became a Christian at the age of 16 by God's grace alone and has now walked with him for 53 years. He graduated from Multnomah School of the Bible and did a short term mission with TEAM in Europe. Upon his return, He graduated from Western Oregon, taught school and moved to southern Oregon and started attending ACC in 1985.

Since then Bill has ministered at the Medford Gospel Rescue Mission for 20 years, ran the AWANA program with his wife, Mary, for 15 years, and taught adult Bible classes through most of that time.

Bill desires to love Christ more and to help ACC be unified in the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God - to become mature people, attaining to the measure of Christ's full stature.

Bob Audet

Elder Paragraph

Bob was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Two years after graduating from high school, Bob enlisted in the Marine Corps for two years, one of which was spent in Viet Nam. In 1971 Bob met and married his lovely wife and helpmate Barbara. In 2021 they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

By the grace of God, Bob became a believer in 1975, three years following Barbara’s conversion. Both Bob and Barbara have been engaged in ministry from around 1977 to present. Bob has been a Bible teacher for over 40 years. Bob has taught high school Sunday school, adult Sunday school and home bible studies. Bob also spent nine years teaching bible studies at the California Correctional Institution at Tehachapi, California. He also taught in the L.A. county jail system for about a year. While serving as a Deacon at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley California, Bob taught “Fundamentals of the Faith.”

Bob and Barbara became members of ACC in 2017; both began to serve soon after. Bob teaches adult bible studies, including an adult Sunday school and occasionally filling the pulpit on Sunday morning.

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